Copyright image 2014©. HM The Queen (R ), meets Lihle Diamini (L) South African National Biodiversity Instltute and Alan Demby, (C) Executive Chairman, The South African Gold Coin Exchange. Her Majesty was given a gold Nelson Mandela medallion, the proceeds of the sale goes to the Nobel Laururete Program and the Mandela Foundation. For further info please contact David Stoch +4420 8563 0182. For photographic enquiries please call Anthony Upton 07973 830 517 or email This image is copyright Anthony Upton 2014©. This image has been supplied by Anthony Upton and must be credited Anthony Upton. The author is asserting his full Moral rights in relation to the publication of this image. All rights reserved. Rights for onward transmission of any image or file is not granted or implied. Changing or deleting Copyright information is illegal as specified in the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
Copyright image 2014©. HM The Queen (R ), meets Lihle Diamini (L) South African National Biodiversity Instltute and Alan Demby, (C) Executive Chairman, The South African Gold Coin Exchange. Her Majesty was given a gold Nelson Mandela medallion, the proceeds of the sale goes to the Nobel Laururete Program and the Mandela Foundation. For further info please contact David Stoch +4420 8563 0182. For photographic enquiries please call Anthony Upton 07973 830 517 or email
This image is copyright Anthony Upton 2014©. This image has been supplied by Anthony Upton and must be credited Anthony Upton. The author is asserting his full Moral rights in relation to the publication of this image. All rights reserved. Rights for onward transmission of any image or file is not granted or implied. Changing or deleting Copyright information is illegal as specified in the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
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